Nou vle asire ke tout employe kap travay nan EWR ap jwen bon tretmen ak respe pou nou tout ta touche bien e pou nou genye bon benefis. Tanpri ranpli sondaj sa a, trè enpotanò. Nap kembe tout enfomasyon ou konfidansyèl.
Queens Union Office:
135-27 Lefferts Blvd
So. Ozone Park, NY 11420
T: (718)322-2626
F: (718)322-2622
New York Union Office:
275 7th Av. 16th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
T: (212) 541- 4226
F: (212) 399- 3005
New Jersey Union Office:
60 Park Place Suite #303
Newark, NJ 07102
T: (973) 623-3200
F: (973) 623-3232
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