UNITE HERE Local 100 approves bylaws changes
To all Local 100 members working in shops that pay dues “per event;”
This is a Summary of the bylaws change approved at July Membership meeting. The actual language is below.
This change affects members working in the 10 shops that pay dues “per event. Aramark Citifield, Legends Yankee Stadium, Delaware North MetLife Stadium, Delaware North UBS Arena, Delaware North Nassau Coliseum, Levy Prudential Center, Levy Barclay Center, Levy Javits Center, Madison Square Garden, NYY Steak Yankee Stadium. All other members are not affected by this change.
*The first paragraph adds the requirement that members paying “per event” dues pay dues for months in which they do not work any events in order to remain in good standing. The amount to be paid is the same amount paid by members employed in New York City cafeterias, currently $46.00 per month.
Members in per event shops who do not pay the regular dues of $46 per month in months when they do not work will fall behind in their dues. If a member does not pay dues for 2 months, they will be suspended or in some cases, given withdrawal status, but in either case the member will lose continuous “good standing.” A member who is not in good standing cannot attend Union meetings or vote in Union elections. Twenty-four months of continuous good standing is required to run for Union office.
*The second paragraph gives members working in the “per event” shops the choice to pay those monthly dues or to continue paying dues “per event” at the same rate they currently pay. Members choosing to pay the regular monthly dues must do so in writing, and their choice can be switched after one year. The Event Dues Selection Form (In the packet).
*The final sentence adds that all new members starting to pay “per event dues” will be charged the same initiation fee of $50 that new members pay in the other shops.
This by laws change was voted on by secret ballot at the regular Membership meetings on July 25, 2023. The UNITE HERE Executive Committee gave final approval by letter on September 11, 2023.
The reason for these changes is to provide a fair system where members from all different workplaces share the same responsibility to pay dues and initiation fees in order to remain in good standing in Local 100 and be eligible to vote in Union elections and run for office.
Change to Per-Event dues
Delete Section 1 (a.) Per Event Dues of Article 11 – Finances, and replace with Section 2, Per Event Dues.
Section 2. Per Event Dues
Individuals employed in event-driven venues may pay a “per event” or weekly sum of a fixed dollar amount, as set forth in Schedule B to these Bylaws. Such amounts, which shall be referred to as “per event dues”, shall be the full amount, of dues required for membership, provided that the individual works at least one event in the month. In months when the individual does not work at all, dues shall be the same amount that members employed in New York City cafeterias pay for one month. If Local 100 organizes a new event-driven venue, per event dues shall be established for that venue and added to Schedule B.
Individuals eligible to pay per event dues shall pay either monthly dues in the same amount that members employed in New York City cafeterias pay for one month or per event dues as the individual chooses, provided that the choice must be made in writing and is binding and may not be changed except in writing in the period 10 days before each anniversary date of the original choice. Unless an individual eligible to pay per event dues makes a choice in writing to pay monthly dues, the individual shall pay per event dues.
Individual eligible to pay per event dues shall also be charged the same initiation fee as all other members.
Download the Event Dues Selection Form.